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Religion is something that the mankind appreciates for ages and it becomes a most important aspect of every human life. Every religion has its own principles and each religion teaches the mankind a unique lesson. The religion gives shape to the culture and heritage of the society. It also teaches the way to live the life and the purpose of life. The philosophy of religion is all about learning the life.

The philosophy of religion is all about the religious doctrines, scriptures, stories, beliefs, practices, histories, arguments. Anything that supports to learn the life and know the purpose of life is the philosophy of religion. The studies are carried out to learn about every religion, its authenticity and the values of the each religion. The philosophy associated with religion basically tries to gain an understanding of religious beliefs and faith of each religion and the matters it conveys to the people.

The philosophy of religion tries to comprehend God and the concepts behind religious beliefs. It is more theoretical and it does not have any experimental evidence. It helps to understand the God and conveys the matter that the religion wants to deliver to people. It basically analyzes and justifies the authenticity of the religious belief.

Though theology and philosophy deal with the concepts of religious belief, theology speaks about a particular religion, whereas the philosophy deals with the scientific investigation of a religion and also analyzes the merits and demerits of the religion. In religious philosophy, the sacred writing belonging to a religion is considered as source and theme for the research.

The philosophy of religion analyzes the claims that are put forth by the religion and justifies the claim and gives appropriate explanation. It basically helps to answer the questions raised and trying to find out the solution by doing research on the topics considered for the study. The conclusions are derived from the study subject and the explanations are given appropriately in the context of religion.

This philosophy is viewed differently by each and everyone. Each person look at the same concept in a different perspective based on the idea that individual possess in the mind. It is always true that the individual who is open minded can always analyze the concepts in a better way than the individual who considers the study with some opinion before hand. It is something that helps to give justification to the beliefs of a religion.

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Children who are good learners will succeed in school and be happier. In order to be a learn better, your child needs many skills. Some of these skills cannot be taught; they have to be cultivated in other ways. Blogging is a key way to helping your child gain these skills. The main essential skill to have is to be able to concentrate long enough to learn a subject. Young children usually have very short attention spans when it involves reading and writing. But when it comes to playing, they can spend hours on it without tiring!

The key to being able to focus for long periods of time, is to enjoy what you are doing. Since your child will only blog about topics that he is interested in, he will naturally pay attention to his work. Designing the appearance of the blog, searching for pictures and deciding on what to write - all these activities help to make it a habit for him to concentrate on his work. Learning will thus be made easier.

Besides being able to concentrate, your child needs to be able to communicate his ideas. If he cannot communicate well, his teacher will not be able to understand his point of view. One way to become a good communicator, especially in written form, is to read widely. Encourage your child to explore the many articles from reputable educational websites. He will thus be exposed to all kinds of writing and learn from them. He will absorb the rules of grammar that allow him to be a good communicator.

Another great benefit of blogging that will help your child on his learning journey is the presence of strong family support. Your child must be able to really feel that you care. When the family reads his blog, give positive comments and show it off to friends, your child will lap up the support and encouragement. This will provide him with strong emotional strength and act as a buffer against whatever negative experiences he may have at school. Solid family support is truly irreplaceable. It will make him feel loved and valued for who he is and not on his school grades. It will also spur him to try harder on the few occasions that he fails.

The last way that blogging helps your child is perhaps the most important. In order to produce interesting blog content, your child will be used to carrying out research. He has become an independent learner. He will no longer just wait passively for the teacher to assign homework before learning a topic.

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Electricity fascinates kids. To teach your child how electricity works in a safe and fun manner, a number of electrical circuit kits specifically designed for kids are now on the market. Here's a few questions to ask yourself before choosing a circuit kit for your child.

What's Your Child's Age?

Investing in circuit kits for kids starts with how old your child or children are and how long you want to use it for. If your child is young, look for a kit that is easy for them to work with and illustrated. If your child is older, then match the circuit kit's covered concepts, complexity, and skills required to your child.

What is Your Child's Interest in Electricity?

If your child is highly interested in how electricity works, then look for a circuit kit that delves deeper, includes more projects. If you aren't sure how interested your child is in electricity, then look at circuit kits that are expandable, or that you can build upon. If your child has a special interest in alternative energy, look for kits that include wind, solar, and hydroelectric power projects.

What Do You Want Your Child to Learn?

If you are looking just to give your child a basic understanding of electricity and build a few hands-on projects, then look for circuit kits that are project based. If you are looking for a more in-depth education on electricity and circuits, look for an electric circuit kits that includes a large variety of projects that build on each other.

What's Your Child's Abilities?

Three skills often determine how successful a child is going to be with their circuit kit - dexterity, ability to follow directions, and reading ability. Take a look at how connections and components fit together in the kit you are choosing to ensure that your child has the dexterity to complete projects successfully.

Also look at the instructions for the circuit kit you are considering - both the illustrations and the text - to determine if your child will be able to follow the directions or whether they'll need your help.

Do You Want A Solo or a Collaborative Project?

If you are looking for something project-based together with your child, or a kit that your children can do together with each other and friends, then look for a kit that facilitates that. Also, if the kit will be used collaboratively across different ages, then look for a kit that suits the needs of both the youngest and the oldest child.

Will Your Child is it Once or Multiple Times?

Are you looking for a kit for a one-time use, or something that can be used repeatedly, or even passed down to other family members or friends, or even resold once you are done? Consider the needs of your family and how much you expect to reuse a kit when making your choice.

Making Your Choice

Today, it's difficult to go through daily life without encounter electrical circuits. Your child will benefit from any time spent learning about electricity and circuits; you may even be giving them background knowledge and skills that they will use in their adult life.

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Asteroid Impact

Space objects strike the earth all the time, but extinction-level impacts occur only once every 100 million years. After the spectacular collision of the Showmaker-levy 9 comet with Jupiter (and a host of asteroid-disaster flicks) in the 1990s, NASA set out to map all large near-earth objects. But it appears that there are far fewer potential catastrophes in earths neighbourhood than once thought. "A civilisation-killing asteroid would have to be a mile across," says Spahr of the Minor Planet Center. (The space rock that ended the dinosaur era is estimated to have been six times that size.) "There just aren't any asteroids that size out there," he says. There is, however, a large population of as-yet-undiscovered objects several hundred yards across. One that we do know about, a 300-yard-wide asteroid called 99942 Apophis, will pass within the orbits of earth satellites in 2029 and could one day strike the planet. "Worst-case scenario?" Spahr says."You hit Los Angeles, kill millions of people, and shut down the entire West Coast."


For a disease to be globally destructive, it must undergo a flare-up of contagiousness and lethality like the 1918 influenza pandemic, which in the course of two and half years killed 50 to 80 million people. If the next influenza pandemic is as bad as 1918s, the equivalent toll would be 210 million."Knocking off that many people at once would disrupt civilisation,' the CDC's Khan says. He adds, however, that in the past century medical science has developed powerful weapons against disease."we're an intelligent species,"he says"We can fight back." But what if that intelligence were turned against us? Thanks to advances in biotechnology, it will become increasingly possible to custom-tailor a pathogens lethality. "we're on the cusp of what could be a frightening time," says Charles P. Blair, director of the Terrorism Analysis Project at the Federation of American Scientists."I think in the very near future you're talking about a potential extinction event.

Machines Take Over

Moore's law-the observation that computer chips get twice as powerful every two years-implies that, eventually, artificial brains will eclipse the human brain. The big question is, what will the artificial super-intelligence of the future choose to do with it's gifts? "The risk is not so much a Terminator scenario, where you get a super computer that dislikes humans,"says Anders Sandberg, a researcher and futurist at the Oxford Martin Schools Future of Humanity Institute in England."A malign neglect would be a bigger problem. You get something that's very intelligent but has motivations that are completely non-human. [The computer] might not really care about anything that we care about, but since its smarter, it's going to get what it wants."

Gamma-Ray Bursts

When large stars die, they go out in spectacular fashion. Having used up their nuclear fuel, their cores collapse inward into a black hole, which then devours the star inside out. Out of this paroxysm of destruction, powerful beams of energy burst from both poles, shooting gamma rays and charged particles that for a second outshine the rest of the stars in the universe combined. That's great for astronomers, who can observe the gamma-ray bursts, or GRBs, from across the universe, but not so good for any planet that happens to be located in the path of the beams. In a one-two punch, a bath of charged particles would quickly kill everything on one side of the planet while intense gamma rays would ionize the atmosphere and cause years of acid rain. "As a rule of thumb, the danger zone extends to anything within 3000 light-years," says Penn State astronomer Derek Fox, who specializes in gamma-ray bursts. But for us, he says,"it's not a likely threat." The average galaxy experiences a GRB only every 10 million years or so, and the danger zone is a small percentage of that galaxy.

Snowball Earth

Right now people worry about global warming, but fallout from a nuclear war or a super volcano could put enough sunlight-blocking dust in the air to cause the opposite problem: a deep plunge in surface temperatures. If the earth stayed cool long enough, a worse catastrophe could ensue. Back in the 60s, climate modelers realized that if the earth were covered in enough ice, most of the incoming solar radiation would be reflected back into space and the planet would settle into a stable state at about minus 50 degrees F. Then, in 1992, Cal-Tech Geobiologist Joseph Kirschvink proposed that the earth had once spent long stretches of time almost entirely frozen over, leaving evidence of glacial deposits in the tropics. Life clung on in a few sanctuaries heated by volcanic springs. Could it happen again?"Its not something you would need to worry about in 2012, or the next hundred years,"Kirschvink says."Even if the climate became very cold, it would take a long time for glaciers to build up."

Solar Storm

Late last year a major solar storm launched a wave of charged particles through the solar system at 4 million mph, setting the stage for a display of northern lights that could be seen as far as Arkansas. But while delightful to the eye, such a storm could someday herald a disaster. The earths magnetic field prevents the suns deadly particles from striking the surface. The motion of those particles, however, can induce strong currents on the ground. During the worst solar storm ever recorded, in 1859, the currents were so intense that telegraph lines burst into flames."If we had a storm like that today, it would be possibly quite catastrophic,"says Jeffrey Love, a geomagnetic researcher with the U.S Geological Survey. "Months without electricity could cause losses of trillions of dollars and basically wreck the economy."

Super Volcano

Two million years ago, a massive volcanic eruption near what is today Yellowstone National Park shot 600 cubic miles of dust and ash into the atmosphere, 2400 times more than Mount St. Helen's did in 1980. If such an eruption happened today, "it would greatly interrupt business as usual around the planet." Since that ancient blast, massive eruptions have been taking place every 600,000 years or so, and the last one was 640,000 years ago. On the bright side, the intervals between the Yellowstone volcano eruptions are extremely erratic. Statistically speaking, it's very unlikely to blow in 2012, or even within the next millenium.

Geomagnetic Reversal

Right now, the magnetic north pole is up near the rotational north pole, but this hasn't always been the case. Throughout the earths history, the north and south magnetic poles have swapped places, a phenomenon known as geomagnetic reversal. It happens irregularly, every 100,000 to 1 million years, and the last time they flipped was 780,000 years ago. So maybe we're due. Geophysicist J. Marvin Herndon has suggested that the reversal could cause the geomagnetic field to temporarily collapse, disrupting everything from power grids to gas pipelines to communication satellites. But there's also no need for immediate panic. While a flip would occur quickly on a geological time scale, it is far longer in human terms, between 1000 and 10,000 years. "Whether it's going to do us harm is an academic question," says Jeffrey Love of the U.S. Geological Survey, "because it's not going to happen tomorrow, and it's not going to happen in our lifetime.

Nuclear War

On Sept.26, 1983, a satellite-monitoring unit at a secret facility near Moscow received a warning: Five nuclear missiles had launched from a base in the U.S. Luckily, the unit's officer, Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov, was sceptical about the reliability of newly installed equipment, and he chose to wait rather than immediately pass along an alarm that might trigger a nuclear war. His judgement may have saved millions of lives. Nuclear tensions have subsided since the end of the Cold War. But the threat remains. More countries than ever have the bomb, and terrorist groups and rogue states remain a worry. A study published in 2008 by the journal Physics Today suggests that a regional war involving as few as 100 bombs could cause a nuclear winter, resulting in the lowest temperatures in 1000 years, while an exchange involving thousands of weapons would, the study concluded, "likely eliminate the majority of the human population". "Nuclear war is the near-term risk that people tend to forget about," says Sandberg of Oxford Martin. "If you think historically, we've probably been very lucky."

Artificial Black Hole

In 1945, a physicist working on the first atomic bomb raised a disturbing possibility: What if the energy released by the fissioning nuclei ignited the atmosphere and wiped out life on earth? Obviously, that didn't happen, and mankind survived its entry into the nuclear age. But the notion that physicists could unwittingly trigger a world-ending catastrophe has not gone away. In 1999, as the Brookhaven National Laboratory prepared to fire up its Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), a Hawaiian man named Walter Wagner filed a lawsuit to have the facility shutdown. He claimed that the collision of high-energy subatomic particles could spawn tiny black holes that could subsequently grow until they swallowed the earth. In more than a decade of operation the RHIC has not produced a black hole, but Wagner is currently warning of the same danger for Europe's Large Hadron Collider, which is generating yet higher energies. Mainstream physicists dismiss the threat. "This danger simply does not exist," says Brookhaven Lab physicist Dmitri Kharzeev. "These energies are high in human terms, but the cosmic rays that naturally occur in space are much more energetic. If high-energy particle collision could produce black holes, one would have swallowed us a long time ago."

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TV science programming for children evolves at a heady pace; and not purely from the perspective of an increasing understanding of the subject. Producers are aware of the declining attention spans of the nation's young minds (the candid may even admit contributing to this decay) and address this with fast-paced, punchy presentation and teasing 'don't try this at home' captioning. 'Explosive' science has become literal; over the past ten years or so, programmes such as Braniac and Ed and Oucho's Excellent Inventions present science methodology that flies in the face of everything that the instructions on the box of my 1970s chemistry set warned me against!

I should state at this point that I am a passionate advocate of science teaching and the institutions that work to promote the subject; however, I begrudgingly concede that the vast majority of children (let alone adults) in this country have never heard of the Royal Institution - the TV programmes Brainiac and Ed & Oucho's Excellent Inventions, for example, have done far more to educate children about scientific matters than the RI has accomplished.

YouTube takes this one step further, presenting a searchable database of easily digested clips that provide a palatable mix of every conceivable application of a science concept - homework that asks pupils to conjure up inventions featuring imaginative uses of science principles has never been so easy!

The supercharged science curriculum presented across the spectrum of TV channels has stolen much of the thunder of the school science teacher. Dwindling budgets and a tendency to recycle lackluster activities from past curriculum planning has left operational science teaching in the classroom standing in the shadow of the box.

Of course, it's now relatively easy to incorporate video into a science lesson. I have observed many excellent introductions to a session that have made effective use of quality science programming, from a 2 minute YouTube clip demonstrating the relationship between electricity and magnetism via Faraday's 'induction ring' to the BBC's recent Journey to the centre of the planet presented by the ubiquitous Richard Hammond, the latter being a programme made for adults but with science concepts broken down into child-friendly chunks.

But what has let the majority of these lessons down is the provision made for bright and enquiring minds brought up on this new generation of online and TV science. The high expectation built up by introducing a concept or methodology through an interactive game or whizzy TV clip can lead to palpable disappointment when children are faced with an exercise that asks them to use little of this knowledge in the task given. Most children at KS2 are familiar with the concept of magnetism, having visited it in school during KS1 or through the multitude of TV shows and websites accessible at home (not to mention science toys and kits) that explain this phenomenon. Despite this, many pupils are still asked to sort objects into magnetic and non-magnetic sets and investigate the classroom for other possibly magnetic objects as an introduction to KS2 science. In no way am I arguing against revisiting concepts, over-learning and consolidation, but if teachers continue to follow the very dry and uninspiring curriculum advocated in guidance such as the old QCA then they would be doing a massive disservice to our scientifically erudite youth.

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How to Handle An Often Overwhelming Process

You've waiting seemingly forever to start school. Now that it's here, things seem to be moving at the speed of light. Following these five tips should make the process more manageable and productive.

Remember that no one knows anyone else

If you're feeling shy, not sure how to approach people, or completely overwhelmed with the sheer volume of students on campus, keep in mind that everyone is new. Meeting people is easier than you might think.

Make sure to do your logistics-based tasks when assigned

Getting your student ID card, creating a school email and username, and registering for classes are the building blocks for the rest of your college experience. Get them settled as soon as possible.

Don't miss your placement exams

Thought waking up for that 8:00 a.m. Spanish placement exam was a pain? Try finding a time to make it up.

Go to as many things as possible

This may seem to defy the laws of physics. Consider this, however: would you rather learn how to use the campus library while relaxed and meeting new people, or later in the semester when you're really stressed, tired, and backed up against a deadline for your project?

As for help when -- not if -- you need it

Everyone on campus, from staff, students, and faculty, knows that orientation is a time for learning new things and getting oriented. If you're not sure about something, ask someone.

By Kelci Lynn Lucier

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As soon as Christmas is over learners start to feel the pressure of impending exams, helping them to create an effective revision plan will ensure they make the most of the time available. Learners can become stressed, frustrated and demotivated when they have "been revising" for hours but can't recite the rules / facts when tested later. There is little benefit in spending hours reading facts from a book, trying to memorise them. It is important learners interact with the information somehow - highlighting the main points in different colour pens, reading out loud or recording themselves to play back later. Help to make learners revision time more productive and sustainable by implementing our Top 10 Tips for... Revision.

Identify your strengths and areas for improvement

It is easier to revise a subject which you enjoy and are good at but your revision ought to be focused where there is greatest need. You could use a syllabus/ curriculum checklist to help you with this. 4 study periods per week might be plenty for one subject whilst 8 periods might be needed for another.

Study in small chunks

Your revision will be more effective if you study a subject for a short period, regularly. Try to study two subjects for half an hour each, have a break for 10-15 minutes then study two more subjects for half an hour each before having a longer break. You could then revisit the first subject /s later in the day.

Create a plan

Now that you know what you need to study, it is essential that you detail the amount of time you have available and specifically plan which subjects you will work on when. Make your plan public, display it on your door or kitchen noticeboard, others will then know when you are working and when you've planned breaks. This will help reduce stress levels and pressure from friends and family.

Create a good working environment

For your study time to be effective you will need a suitable environment, you will need space for your books as well as room to work. Fresh air and natural light will help, make sure you open your curtains and a small window if you can. Feeding your brain is also important, have a glass of water available and a healthy snack - bananas are a good option.

Understand your learning style

There are various models for this but VAK is most commonly used. Learners can be Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic or a combination of these. Gear your revision to your learning style: Create colour coded revision cards or diagrams to display; record your notes on MP3 player and play them often; act out scenes from literature / history; put key information on notes around your room or in the hallway between rooms.

Avoid distractions

Whilst some learners find it helpful to play music whilst revising, it will help if there are no other distractions, turn off your mobile phone, log off Facebook and Twitter.

Focus on understanding

Try to develop your understanding of a topic rather than simply memorising rules / dates etc. Understanding is much deeper and time spent on this will enable quicker recall and a more logical approach to answers.

Look at past papers

By looking through past papers you can familiarise yourself not only with the content but also with the style of the questions. Many exam boards will also publish the mark schemes and Chief Examiners' Reports which will give you a huge amount of information about common mistakes to be aware of.

Don't forget exam skills

Remember that passing exams is not just about knowing the curriculum inside out, you will also need to be able to structure an essay, follow ideas through logically and perhaps most importantly manage your time effectively. Estimate how much time is allocated to each exam mark and keep this in mind when allocating time to answer each question. Include time to practice all of these skills within your revision timetable.

Be positive

It is easy to become disheartened and demotivated, to feel that it is an uphill struggle and that you'll never get the result you want - banish these thoughts! With a realistic plan and a determination to stick to it, you can achieve your aims - BE POSITIVE!